Peak Park Skatepark

Peak Park Skatepark

The Peak Park Skatepark is an 8,000-square-foot outdoor concrete skate park located in Buena Park, California that first opened in 2014. The small yet impressive Orange County skatepark was renovated by the Spohn Ranch design and construction team to replace an aging wood and metal ramp park that has previously occupied the space. 

Skatepark Details

LocationBuena Park, California
Address7225 El Dorado Drive Buena Park, California 90620
Coordinates33.84952, -118.00703
FeaturesQuarterpipe, fun box, pole, manual pad, handrails, flat rails, ledges, banks, and hubbas.
Size8,000 square feet
Riding AllowedSkateboards and in-line skates only.
Hours8 am to Sunset
FeeNo Cost
Phone(714) 562-3860
Design/BuildSpohn Ranch

Peak Park Skatepark Overview

Buena Park is a smaller city located between much bigger cities like Los Angeles, Anaheim, and Long Beach, however, the skateboard community in this smaller city is exceptionally strong.

Many of the residents have school-aged teens and children who have adopted skateboarding as their number one sport. Because of this, in 2014, the city decided to commission Spohn Ranch to upgrade the existing skatepark with a modern facility that could keep skaters of all ages and skill levels entertained and safe during after-school hours. 

Peak Park Skatepark

Working within the 8,000 square foot space that already was purposed as a skatepark, Spohn Ranch got to work recycling the old wood and metal ramps and replacing them with modern concrete ramps. 

On the far side of the park is one large quarterpipe with three different sections. The two side sections are of the same height with a large middle section that rises about two feet higher. From there, a skater could drop in and build up some good speed before hitting one of the obstacles on the fun box located in the center of the park.

The funbox contains one long hubba on one side and a long and tall handrail directly in the center. After dropping in from the quarterpipe, ride up the funbox and choose between hitting that handrail or sliding down the edge of the hubba. A fair warning, the handrail seems to be quite tall and may be difficult to trick on if you are a newer skater. 

Peak Park Skatepark
Photos courtesy of Sponh Ranch Skateparks.

Aside from the quarterpipe and the funbox, there is an extremely popular manual pad that also contains two elevated bench-style ledges. The manual pad is also accessible from the quarterpipe, so if you are wanting to skip over the funbox, simply hang to the right and pop an ollie up onto the manual pad and ride those rear wheels for as long as you can before popping off the pad with a nice heel flip.

Here’s a video of some guys tearing it up:

The Peak Park Skatepark in Buena Park, California is open every day from 8 am until sunset for skaters of all ages and skill levels who wear helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads. Failure to wear the proper protective gear can result in loss of skatepark privileges and possibly a citation.

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