
Everett Park Skatepark (aka Newark Skatepark)

Newark Skatepark Fullpipe

Everett Park Skatepark is a 15,000 square-foot concrete skatepark in Newark, Ohio, that features bowls, a full pipe, pump track, and a large street plaza.


LocationEverett Park, Newark, Ohio
Address170 Everett Avenue
Newark, OH 43055
Coordinates40.062346, -82.395359
FeaturesBowls, full pipe, street plaza
Size18,500 square feet
Riding AllowedSkateboards, scooters, skates, bikes
Year Opened2019
HoursDawn to 11 pm
Phone(740) 670-7775
Design/BuildSpohn Ranch Skateparks

Everett Park Skatepark Overview

Everett Park Skatepark in Ohio (not to be confused with the one in California, also in a town called Newark) is a testament to how much killer skatable terrain you can pack into 15,000 square feet of real estate.

Everett Park Skatepark
Photos courtesy of Spohn Ranch Skateparks.

Designed by California-based Spohn Ranch, the park has an elongated bowl with a full pipe in the middle as well as a street plaza packed with transition and street features.

The bowl portion of the park is essentially a long, multipart bowl/snake run with a full pipe connecting two distinct sides.

Everett Park Skatepark

The deeper end is a bowl that’s shaped like a fat “D,” while the other end, just past the full pipe is essentially a mini ramp that flows into a capsule and then out into the street plaza. The full pipe is the most distinctive feature of the park, with cutaway sections that let light in and also expose some over-vert lips to tempt ambitious bowl skaters.

The street plaza at Everett Park Skatepark seems packed full of features yet roomy, with banks, China banks, handrails, A-frames with gaps, ledges, manny pads, and plenty of hubbas.

Everett Park Skatepark
Photos courtesy of Spohn Ranch Skateparks.
Everett Park Skatepark

The park also has a concrete pump track, in case you’re looking to work your thighs a bit – feel the burn!

Here’s some drone footage of Newark Skatepark.

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